Andy Warhol in Toronto

Today I popped into the Andy Warhol exhibit (no pun intended) on Bloor Street. There was a very large stack of Campbell's vegetable soup cans (which were very real). Then I caught Vladimir Lenin scowling at me, both in black and red. Although separate pieces, the Gotti and Lenin I put side by side for comparison. They represent criminal minds who get popular appeal: Despite his many complex struggles , Warhol was practicing Catholic, of the Ruthenian rite, who would slip into church in Manhattan. This was the only religious work at the exhibit, labelled as St. Apollonia, a 3rd century martyr. In the documentary film, I overhear Warhol being asked if he is original or not. He says "no." Confounded, the interviewer asks: "Don't you want to do something original?" He replies: "No. This is easier." The well-known dollar sign print: Warhol, famously shy and ...